SCAS News - 3 May, 2023

SCAS Hosts Nobel Symposium on Solar Cells

On 3-5 May 2023, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) and Uppsala University are
hosting the Nobel Symposium NS191: Efficient Light to Electric Power Conversion for a Renewable
Energy Future

The symposium takes place during three full days, with two and a half days dedicated to talks and
scientific discussions with invited high-level scientists and young excellent researchers focusing on
specific themes such as solar cell physics, Perovskite materials, device design and function, and
organic solar cells, among other things. The last afternoon session, themed “Solar Cells Producing
Power at Large Scale”, offers a somewhat broader scope, and will be open to a wider audience.
As a joint physics-chemistry event, the symposium aims to offer an interdisciplinary perspective.

The Nobel Foundation’s symposium activities were initiated in 1965. Since 2019, the symposia are
administered by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Norwegian Nobel Committee, and
are dedicated to scientific areas with recent breakthroughs, or of primary cultural or social significance.

The application to organize the symposium was submitted jointly by the Swedish Collegium and Uppsala
University, in collaboration with an organizing committee consisting of leading Swedish researchers on
solar cell technology.

Read more:
SCAS News - 15 December 2021: The Swedish Collegium to Host a Nobel Symposium in Physics and
Chemistry in 2023 >>